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Inspectors child protection concerns about 

Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley

Quotes from inspection reports:


"The school has not investigated either fully or impartially important matters that were raised by parents nor considered them in the broader context of risk to children."

"The school must take action to meet The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 (‘the independent school standards’) and associated requirements as follows:

  • ensure that staff clearly recognise when an issue submitted as a complaint is actually a child protection issue (paragraphs 7 – 7(b))

  • ensure that letters and other material related to child protection issues are placed in child protection files and not in staff personnel files (paragraphs 7 – 7 (b))

  • ensure that all staff fully understand and behave in accordance with the school’s child protection procedures and its code of conduct and that they are perceptive enough to apply these procedures in a wide range of situations (paragraphs 7 – 7 (b))


"This leaves the school open to the possibility that children could be at risk, because leadership and management have not been clear enough about the interpretation of safeguarding requirements nor robust enough in enforcing the Staff Code of Conduct."

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